Power On Software is dedicated to providing you the best support possible. Before contacting us for technical support, please read this manual, and especially this chapter on Troubleshooting.
For additional information, you can call our technical support center in the United States at (330) 735-3116 or (800) 797-7382. Please have your product registration number ready when you call. You can also reach us via America Online at PowerOnSW, via Internet at poweronsw@aol.com, or on the World Wide Web at http://www.poweronsw.com. Our Web site contains Tips and Tricks on how to use LAN Commander, as well as the latest version of LAN Commander for you to download.
When contacting us for technical support, please have the following information:
1. Your product registration number as shown on the back of the LAN Commander installation disk.
2. A description of the problem.
3. Information about the Macintosh you are using, including:
a. the model of Macintosh,
b. the System Software version as shown using the About This Macintosh command in the Apple menu.
c. the amount of Total Memory and the Largest Unused Block as shown using the About This Macintosh command in the Apple menu.
◊ Note Please mail in your registration card. We cannot provide technical support unless you have registered your product purchase.
Troubleshooting LAN Commander
1. What if I forget the Commander’s password?
LAN Commander provides an emergency access account. To access this account:
a. Type the name “Emergency” in the menu access window and press the OK button.
b. LAN Commander will present you with an emergency code. Please write down that code and contact Power On Software, Inc. at (330) 735-3116 or (800) 797-7382 on Monday through Friday between 9 AM and 5 PM Eastern Time. Using that code we will provide you with an emergency password.
◊ Note Please mail in your registration card. To avoid giving passwords to unauthorized persons, we cannot give you an emergency password unless you have registered your product purchase.
2. What if I forget the Commander’s password and I can’t reach Power On Software?
You can re-install the LAN Commander software by doing the following:
a. Reboot your Macintosh. You may need to press the restart button on your Macintosh to reboot. Please note that this can cause you to lose recently saved data.
b. Hold down the extension bypass key as your computer boots. If you cannot remember the extension bypass key, then boot from a system floppy disk.
c. Re-install LAN Commander using the LAN Commander Installer application on the original installer disk. This will erase the LAN Commander password information on your computer and install the default Commander account (“Commander”) and password (“command”).
3. I know a particular remote computer is connected to the network, but I cannot see it in any of the windows that present lists of computers in LAN Commander. What is wrong?
If the computer cannot be seen in any of LAN Commander’s windows, first check that LocalTalk or EtherTalk is enabled for both the local computer and the remote computer. You can determine if LocalTalk or EtherTalk is enabled by opening the Chooser and looking at the status of the radio buttons in the lower right corner of the Chooser window. As a final check, open the Chooser on the local computer, select the AppleShare icon from the list on the left side of the Chooser window, and make sure you can see the remote computer in the list on the right side of the Chooser window.
Once you have determined that both computers are on the network, make sure that LAN Commander is enabled on both the local and remote computers. You can tell if LAN Commander is enabled by double-clicking the LAN Commander control panel within the Control Panels folder.